한국은행이 금리를 높이지 않고 냅뒀다....
“We expect they will raise the rate in May or June,”
김중수 아저씨 5월이나 6월 올릴거란 말만 남긴채...
Inflation has accelerated since rates were increased in January, with consumer price gains reaching a 29-month high in March and breaching the central bank’s target of average inflation between 2 percent to 4 percent through 2012.
1월부터 금리를 올렸지만 인플래이션은 가속되고~~ 29개월만에 최고를 기록해 주시고~~ 무슨 목표치가 2%~4%얌? 편차가 100%잖아? 그런 말은 나도 하겠다!
정확한 내용은 직접 읽어보셔요.
어차피 올려야 할 금리인거구, 빚 낸사람들 어차피 죽을거고, 죽일람 빨리 죽여달라잖아!!
The International Monetary Fund projected yesterday that South Korea’s consumer inflation will accelerate to 4.5 percent this year. The IMF forecast the nation’s economic growth will slow to 4.2 percent next year from 4.5 percent this year.
IMF는 4.5%로 인플레이션 된다고 경고 하네요. 경제성장은 금년에 4.5%에서 4.2%로 떨어지고.
4.2%라... IMF도 낙관적이군...흠..
“We expect they will raise the rate in May or June,”
김중수 아저씨 5월이나 6월 올릴거란 말만 남긴채...
Inflation has accelerated since rates were increased in January, with consumer price gains reaching a 29-month high in March and breaching the central bank’s target of average inflation between 2 percent to 4 percent through 2012.
1월부터 금리를 올렸지만 인플래이션은 가속되고~~ 29개월만에 최고를 기록해 주시고~~ 무슨 목표치가 2%~4%얌? 편차가 100%잖아? 그런 말은 나도 하겠다!
정확한 내용은 직접 읽어보셔요.
어차피 올려야 할 금리인거구, 빚 낸사람들 어차피 죽을거고, 죽일람 빨리 죽여달라잖아!!
The International Monetary Fund projected yesterday that South Korea’s consumer inflation will accelerate to 4.5 percent this year. The IMF forecast the nation’s economic growth will slow to 4.2 percent next year from 4.5 percent this year.
IMF는 4.5%로 인플레이션 된다고 경고 하네요. 경제성장은 금년에 4.5%에서 4.2%로 떨어지고.
4.2%라... IMF도 낙관적이군...흠..
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